A creative soul with a marketing mind

Creating BIG
for SMALL businesses

with more leads & more sales

My Specialties

Online Marketing

β›³ Over 4.6 billion people worldwide are active internet users.
⚑ Around 4.2 billion individuals are engaged in social media platforms.
πŸ“± Approximately 91% of internet users access it via mobile devices.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« 93% of consumers consider online reviews when making purchasing decisions
πŸ”­ Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day

online courses

πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ 70% of individuals prefer online coaching over traditional in-person coaching due to flexibility and ease of access
πŸ† The online coaching industry is expected to surpass $325 billion by 2025
πŸ”— The integration of technology has facilitated the rise of e-learning platforms, making it convenient for both coaches and students to connect anytime, anywhere.

email marketing

🎯 Email marketing has a return on investment (ROI), with an average of $42 for every $1 spent
πŸ—οΈ Personalized email campaigns deliver six times higher transaction rates
πŸ“Œ 72% of consumers prefer to receive promotional content through email. .
β›³ Automated email campaigns witness a 119% increase in click rates


πŸ“Œ Lead nurturing through automations generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost
πŸ† Automation yields an average 53% increase in conversion rate and 451% increase in qualified leads.
🎯 Marketing automation enables targeted messaging, leading to a 20% increase in upsell opportunities

sales funnels

🎣 Companies with an effective sales funnel typically have a 50% higher conversion rate and a 18 times faster sales cycles than those without a defined funnel strategy.
πŸ”— A well-designed sales funnel doesn't just focus on acquiring new customers; it also contributes to customer retention, social proof and trust building, nurturing leads and increasing sales and revenue.


πŸ‘‘ Pricing can influence perception. For example, pricing a product at $99 instead of $100 can lead to a 24% higher conversion rate.
πŸ“Œ Businesses with tiered pricing experience 30% higher conversion rates than those without such structures.
πŸͺ™ Urgency tactics, like countdown timers, can increase conversion rates by 332%

Ad campaign

πŸ“Œ Online ads provide precise targeting capabilities.
β›³ Around 49% of digital advertising budgets are allocated to social media platforms, allowing businesses to reach specific demographics.
πŸŽ€ Google dominates the search engine ad market, capturing over 92% of the global search market share.
πŸ’₯ Facebook ads influence 52% of consumers' online and offline purchases, underlining the platform's role in the consumer decision-making process.

growth mindset

🌻 "Your attitude determines your direction. A positive mindset is your compass to success."
β˜„οΈ "In the world of business, the mindset is everything.
πŸ’Ή "Success is 80% mindset and 20% strategy. Get your mind right, and the rest will follow."
🎍 "Your beliefs shape your reality. Reframe the limits, and you'll reshape your world."

Income Diverse

🎯 Businesses with multiple income streams are better equipped to withstand economic downturns, and adaptable to market changes. Diversification encourages innovation and differentiation.
πŸ’₯ Businesses that explore new income streams are more likely to introduce innovative products or services, staying ahead of competitors. Apple, for example, successfully diversified from computers to music, smartphones, and wearables.

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What My Clients Say

Good understanding of job scope and fast delivery that made me happy.
Rachel Coffman
Financial Analyst
Great person. She takes take of your project like is her with passion
Jeffrey Sieben
Business Manager
She sticks with you until the very end and will extend creative thinking and solutions to you when needed.
Robert Welch
work with me​

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